Strengths and weaknesses of each of the different Agile Methodologies when used with distributed and remote teams.

Gary Seymour
11 min readFeb 10, 2023


Agile methodologies are an iterative approach to project management that focuses on delivering results in smaller pieces, reducing the risk of failure and enabling quicker adaptation to changes. It has become the preferred choice of many distributed and remote teams. However, while agile methodologies have been successful in many environments, they also have their weaknesses that need to be considered when used with distributed and remote teams.

We will explore the strengths and weaknesses of each of the different agile methodologies when used with distributed project teams: Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming (XP), Feature Driven Development (FDD), Lean Software Development (LSD) and Crystal Clear.


Scrum is one of the most popular agile methodologies for distributed and remote teams. It is based on short iterations or ‘sprints’ that focus on delivering results quickly. This methodology works well for distributed and remote teams because it allows them to break down complex tasks into smaller pieces that can be managed more easily over a long distance. Additionally, Scrum encourages collaboration between team members which is beneficial for distributed teams where face-to-face communication is not always possible.

However, one of the main weaknesses of using Scrum with a distributed team is that it can be difficult to ensure all team members are working towards the same goals and objectives at all times. Additionally, it can be challenging to track progress when team members are spread across multiple locations as there may be delays in communication between them which could delay progress on tasks or projects.

Strengths and Weaknesses of using Scrum Methodology with a distributed remote delivery team.


  1. Transparency: Scrum makes the entire development process transparent, allowing everyone to have visibility into work progress, challenges, and successes.
  2. Flexibility: Teams can quickly adapt to changes in requirements or processes as needed.
  3. Collaboration: Scrum encourages collaboration between the stakeholders, developers, and users which allows for rapid feedback and iteration on product features.
  4. Visible Progress: Sprint cycles ensure that teams are regularly delivering tangible results that can be measured and reviewed by all stakeholders.
  5. Accountability: With clear roles and responsibilities, there is accountability within each team member to complete their tasks in a timely manner.


  1. Requires Discipline: Scrum requires a high level of discipline from all stakeholders in order to ensure success, including regular sprint planning meetings and daily stand-ups to review progress.
  2. Rigidity: While flexibility is one of its strengths, Scrum can also be rigid with its structure which can lead to inflexibility when dealing with unexpected changes or issues that arise during development cycles.
  3. Longer Processes: The iterative nature of Scrum means it may take longer for a project to reach completion compared to other methods like Waterfall which could create time constraints for certain projects or initiatives.
  4. Communication Challenges: As it relies heavily on communication between stakeholders, distributed remote delivery teams can find it difficult to effectively collaborate without being able to meet face-to-face or discuss ideas in person.
  5. Overhead Costs: There are additional costs associated with using scrum such as training costs and software costs which could be prohibitive for some organisations depending on their budget constraints or size of the team


Kanban is another popular choice for distributed and remote teams as it provides an effective way to organise tasks by creating a visual display of work items which helps team members keep track of what needs to be done at any given time. This makes it much easier for distributed teams who may not have regular face-to-face contact or meetings as they can easily see what needs to be done without having to communicate extensively over long distances. Additionally, Kanban encourages collaboration between team members which makes it ideal for distributed teams who need to work together despite being located in different places.

However, one potential weakness of using Kanban with a distributed team is that it does not provide guidance on how tasks should be completed or how progress should be tracked over time which can make it difficult for everyone involved to know exactly what needs to be done at any given time. Additionally, if there are issues with communication between team members then this could lead to delays in completing tasks which could result in missed deadlines or other problems down the line.

Strengths and Weaknesses of using KanBan Methodology with a distributed remote delivery team.


  1. Visualisation of workflow simplifies tracking of progress, tasks and bottlenecks.
  2. Enables effective collaboration and communication between remote teams due to its visual nature.
  3. Provides feedback loops which allows for quick adjustments to the process if needed.
  4. Easy to track progress over time as well as identify tasks that need more attention or focus from the team.
  5. Can easily adjust and prioritise tasks, allowing for greater flexibility in project delivery.


  1. Requires consistent upkeep and maintenance of Kanban boards in order to be effective and efficient.
  2. Difficult to measure progress accurately without access to all stakeholders involved in the project, especially when they are distributed remotely across different locations or time zones.
  3. Not suitable for complex projects with multiple interdependent tasks and dependencies which require more detailed tracking mechanisms than Kanban can provide.
  4. Difficult to scale up when more stakeholders are involved beyond a small team as additional complexity is introduced into the system which may cause confusion or miscommunication between remote teams members on what needs to be accomplished next or by when it needs to be completed by .

Extreme Programming

Extreme Programming (XP) is another agile methodology designed specifically for software development projects but has been adapted by many distributed and remote teams due its focus on collaboration between developers located in different locations as well as its ability to enable rapid prototyping through short iterations or ‘timeboxes’ which allows developers more time to experiment with new ideas while still delivering results quickly.

However, one potential weakness of using XP with a distributed team is that there may not be enough direction from leadership as XP relies heavily on self-organisation among developers rather than top-down control which may cause issues if there isn’t clear guidance from those managing the project about how tasks should be completed or how progress should be tracked over time. Additionally, XP does not provide much structure for dealing with changes or unexpected issues which could cause problems if something unexpected happens during development such as new requirements from stakeholders or unexpected technical difficulties due to working remotely from each other .

Strengths and Weaknesses of using Extreme Programming (XP) Methodology with a distributed remote delivery team.


  1. Increased customer satisfaction through frequent feedback and communication.
  2. Increased quality assurance through pair programming and automated unit testing.
  3. Improved team morale due to increased collaboration, trust, and ownership across the entire development process.
  4. Reduced risks associated with project delivery by limiting scope creep and focusing on short iterations of work.
  5. Improved productivity by leveraging pair programming to quickly identify problems, detect bugs, and develop solutions efficiently.
  6. Easier to manage distributed remote delivery teams through pair programming sessions, daily stand-up meetings, and regular retrospectives that focus on continuous improvement.
  7. Flexibility in terms of requirements gathering and design as the customer can adjust needs throughout the process without causing delays or scope creep.
  8. Reduced cost of ownership since the need for expensive long-term planning is minimised due to shorter iterations of work being completed more rapidly with high quality standards maintained throughout the development process


  1. Potential conflicts between teams may arise from different working styles and cultural differences in remote locations that could result in poor communication or misunderstandings if left unchecked.
  2. The methodology requires significant up-front investment in tools, processes, and training which may be challenging for smaller organisations or those lacking sufficient resources to support it effectively in a distributed environment
  3. Poorly defined roles within a distributed team can lead to confusion as tasks are assigned without clear accountability for results which could impact overall project performance negatively
  4. The methodology does not provide guidance on how to implement large scale projects where multiple teams must collaborate effectively across different locations
  5. Extreme Programming is highly reliant on developers having a high level of coding skills which can be difficult to ensure when managing remote teams.

Feature Driven Development

Feature Driven Development (FDD) is an agile methodology specifically designed for software development projects involving large numbers of people located in different locations working together towards common goals while also enabling rapid delivery of results via short iterations known as ‘features’ which are small chunks of code designed around specific functionalities within the product being developed. FDD works particularly well for large scale projects involving multiple stakeholders located across multiple locations due its focus on collaboration amongst everyone involved while also providing clear direction on how each task should be completed thus reducing confusion amongst those working remotely from each other..

However, one potential weakness when using FDD with a distributed team is that there may not always be enough flexibility when dealing with changes or unexpected issues due its highly structured nature which could lead to delays in getting things done if something unexpected happens during development such as new requirements from stakeholders or unexpected technical difficulties due to working remotely from each other . Additionally, FDD requires detailed specifications up front which may not always possible if there isn’t clear direction from those managing the project about what needs doing at any given time .

Strengths and Weaknesses of using Feature Driven Development (FDD) Methodology with a distributed remote delivery team.


  1. Feature-driven development can help distributed, remote delivery teams to focus on delivering value in the form of user stories which is a key success factor for collaboration.
  2. It provides a lightweight process that is easy to understand and implement with minimal overhead.
  3. Teams can easily identify and prioritize features to be developed, and quickly assess progress towards completion.
  4. The FDD model encourages team members to work in an agile environment with frequent communication and feedback loops between stakeholders, developers and users.
  5. FDD focuses on short iterations or cycles, so teams can quickly adapt to changing requirements or customer needs while still meeting deadlines.


  1. There is no single unified process across all teams working on the same project, which could lead to miscommunication and confusion if tasks are not properly documented and tracked.
  2. Complex projects may require significant upfront planning to ensure each feature is well designed before implementation begins, which could slow down progress or lead to issues if not done properly.
  3. FDD relies heavily on communication between all stakeholders involved, including users, developers, managers, etc., which can be difficult when working with a distributed remote delivery team due to different time zones or language barriers that may exist between team members.
  4. If teams are not familiar with the FDD methodology it can take longer for them to become productive as they need to learn the process first before they can start developing features effectively.

Lean Software Development

Lean Software Development (LSD) aims at reducing waste throughout the software development process by focusing on removing anything unnecessary such as processes or features deemed unnecessary by stakeholders thus allowing quicker delivery times and greater efficiency overall. LSD works particularly well for software development projects involving large numbers of people located in different locations due its focus on identifying unnecessary activities quickly so they can either reduced or eliminated altogether saving both time and money in the long run..

However , one potential downside when using LSD with a distributed team is that it relies heavily upon effective communication between all parties involved thus making it difficult when dealing with large scale projects involving multiple stakeholders located across multiple locations . Additionally , LSD does not provide much structure for tracking progress over time nor does it offer much guidance about how tasks should actually get completed making it difficult for those managing the project and those working remotely from each other .

Strengths and Weaknesses of using Lean Software Development (LSD) Methodology with a distributed remote delivery team.


  1. Improved visibility of progress and performance metrics due to increased transparency and communication.
  2. Reduced cost of development due to reduced waste, improved efficiency, and fewer bugs.
  3. Faster time-to-market due to shorter lead times and the ability to respond quickly to customer demands.
  4. Increased collaboration between remote team members due to the ability to share ideas in real-time without physical proximity.
  5. Increased focus on customer needs due to the ability to quickly modify features or add new ones in response to customer feedback.


  1. Difficulty in aligning remote teams due to potential cultural and language barriers among geographically dispersed personnel.
  2. Difficulties with resource management and tracking due to the distributed nature of the team, making it harder for managers to stay on top of all aspects of the project.
  3. Low morale among remote workers due to lack of face-to-face interaction leading them feeling disconnected from each other and from the overall project goals.
  4. Difficulty in predicting outcomes or adjusting plans when changes occur as it is difficult for teams working remotely in different locations and time zones who may not have access to all the same data points or resources as those who are co-located.
  5. Challenges in maintaining quality assurance and control when testing and debugging remotely due to the lack of physical proximity between testers and developers.

Crystal Clear

Crystal Clear takes an even more extreme approach than LSD by focusing almost entirely upon customer feedback throughout every stage of development thus allowing changes requested by customers during production phase without requiring additional effort thus significantly reducing costs associated with software development. Crystal Clear works particularly well for very small scale projects involving only few people located close together due its focus upon customer feedback throughout every stage but this same strength becomes its weakness when dealing with larger scale projects involving multiple stakeholders located far away from each other since customer feedback cannot always reach all parties involved quickly enough resulting delays during production phase as well as confusion amongst those working remotely from each other .

Strengths and Weaknesses of using Crystal Clear Methodology with a distributed remote delivery team.


  1. Establishes a clear and concise approach to project management.
  2. Allows for efficient collaboration between distributed teams.
  3. Reduces the risk of project failure by setting achievable objectives and measurable targets.
  4. Provides a framework for better communication and decision-making.
    Creates a unified vision that all team members understand and work towards.
  5. Fosters transparency in project management tasks, allowing all stakeholders to remain informed of progress.


  1. Can be difficult to implement across geographically dispersed teams due to cultural differences or language barriers.
  2. Requires a considerable amount of time and effort to plan out the methodology prior to commencing the project.
  3. The Crystal Clear Methodology is relatively new and may not be well understood by some teams, leading to confusion or lack of buy-in.
  4. Can be difficult to adjust or modify as the project progresses due to its rigid structure.


Each methodologies offers unique strengths and weaknesses when used with distributed and remote teams. Some are better suited than others depending upon size , scope , complexity etc . It’s important therefore , before embarking upon any project , whether big or small , localised or globalised , that careful consideration is put into choosing an appropriate methodology best suited towards achieving desired outcomes otherwise risk encountering unanticipated problems further down line .


  1. Agile Methodologies: An Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  2. Tufano, P., & Vignali, G. (2016). Agile Software Development Methodologies: A Comprehensive Survey of the State of the Art and Future Trends. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 42(9), 823–847. doi: 10.1109/tse.2015.2448277
  3. Chen, Y., & Zhou, S.-Y. (2018). Agile software development methodologies for distributed teams — A systematic literature review and a comprehensive comparison study focused on Scrum and XP practices in distributed teams. Information and Software Technology, 95, 195–219. doi: 10.1016/j.infsof.2017.12.005
  4. Cai, Z., & Wang, X.-Y .(2019). Impact of agile software development methodologies on distributed teams’ performance: A systematic literature review and research agenda proposal . Journal of Systems and Software , 153 , 88–116 . doi : 10 .1016 / j .jss . 2019 .04 .003

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Gary Seymour
Gary Seymour

Written by Gary Seymour

CTO, Technology and Change Lead across enterprise, cloud and secure solutions. Central Government, Global Organisations, Technology Start-ups.

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